Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Learn to bind a book during Maker's Month

The Skillery is planning to kick off the new year with a full schedule of creative classes. As part of their mission to shine a spotlight on Nashville’s creative entrepreneurs and the brands they’re building, The Skillery is designating January as Makers' Month. 

You can take a look at the class offerings here, and you'll be sure to spot some gems. Teaching artist extraordinaire Allison Jarrett of Precious America will be teaching an Intro to Hand Embroidery class. Chris Cheney and Nieves Uhl of Sawtooth Printhouse will be teaching a Letterpress Poster class.  I took a screenprinting class taught by Chris earlier this year and had a blast, so I'm sure the letterpress class is a can't-miss experience.  I will be leading a bookbinding workshop as part of Makers' Month, I'm thrilled to be teaching alongside such a talented bunch of Nashville creatives. 

 Bookbinding workshop taught by Katie Gonzalez

Learn to create a handbound journal

When: Saturday January 25, 2014; 5 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Where: Dandelion Salon, 1117 Porter Road, Nashville, TN 37206
Cost: $38 (or $30 for Skillery members)

Description: Start your new year with a creative project: learn the basics of bookbinding while creating a one-of-a-kind handbound blank book. Then use your book this year as a practical day planner to get organized, or as a sketchbook to stoke your creativity. We'll be making a book bound with the French link stitch. The stitching will be exposed on the spine of the book, allowing you to see and show off your handiwork. This class is appropriate for all skill levels, including beginners. Katie Gonzalez, a professional book artist who has taught bookbinding to more than 200 students, will guide you through the process in this one-night workshop. You will leave the class with one completed journal, and the skills to create more books in the future. The class will also include an introduction to the world of handmade books, and the opportunity to handle a collection of professionally made examples.


  1. Hi Katie, thanks a lot for your post, it is beautiful and inspiring.
    I hope many people can attend your class.

  2. Thank you for reading my blog, Lucia. The class just filled up yesterday, so I'll have a great group of people attending. I'm looking forward to teaching this course in January.

  3. I just like good crisp cotton Linens -- although my husband is a sucker for a high thread count, so we tend to alternate :)


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